All the project partners participate in the meeting; Poland, Portugal, Italy, Turkey, Latvia, Greece and Bulgaria. The meeting took place in the coordinator’s country, it means in Poland, between 23-25.11.2017. The aim was developing a plan and schedule of individual project activities, distributing the duties  among partners.
Main meeting points;
1.    Integration of partner schools’ teachers.
2.    Discussion and preparation of a detailed schedule of subsequent meetings (Greece and Latvia) and implementation of individual project tasks.
3.    Assigning specific actions to individual people and determination of the performance of individual tasks by responsible persons.
4.    Discussing meeting scenarios and classes.
5.    Teachers experience exchange.
6.    Discussing the dissemination of the project and clarifying the evaluation tools.
7.    Discussing dispute management and conflict solving procedures.
8.    Discussion on security principles.
As a result of the meeting, all the mentioned issues were clarified and the dates of  subsequent mobility determined. Also the issue of the project logo competition was discussed ( responsible Portuguese partners) as well as running the project blog (responsible Greek partners). During the meeting participants from partner countries  were introduced to nearby area; such as visiting Puławy ( Czartoryski’s Palace, Sybilla’s Temple, Chinese Cottage), visiting Kazimierz Dolny, visiting Lublin (  Old Town and German Concentration Camp- Majdanek). There was also the meeting during which participants were familiarized with traditional Polish dances, music and cuisine.
All the participants of the meeting in Poland received certificates confirming their work.

Folklore is a word that defines the material and immaterial heritage of folk culture. The best-known propagator of Polish folklore was the well-known ethnographer Oskar Kolberg. Folklore is divided into two groups: material one, to which we include folk architecture, folk art and folk costumes, and the intangible one in which they belong; songs, proverbs or legends. Folklore gains more and more sympathizers, new Song and Dance Ensembles promoting folklore, which is part of our Polish tradition and culture

2.Wieniec dożynkowy

A harvest wreath is weaved out of corn heads and flowers at the ceremonial end of the field harvesting period by farmers.


Easter egg is the general name of an egg (usually a chicken) decorated with various techniques.
They can be

  scratches - formed by scratching with an acute tool of the outer colored shell of the egg, Easter eggs - created by drawing (formerly: writing) on ​​the shell with hot melted wax, and then dipping the egg in the dye. Writing pins, needles, boots, awls, straws and wood were used as writing tools.

Easter eggs - created by drawing (formerly: writing) on ​​the shell with hot melted wax, and then dipping the egg in the dye. Writing pins, needles, boots, awls, straws and wood were used as writing tools.

  eggs - they are made by boiling an egg in colored decoction, formerly obtained exclusively from natural ingredients. Plants that allowed for different colors were used,
oils - they are decorated with bulrush, lilac petals, scraps of colored, shiny paper, fabric, also thread or woolen yarn etc.

stickers - popular especially in the former Cracow province and near Łowicz. It is created by decorating the egg shell with multicolored paper cutouts.


Kierec - folk decoration of residential interiors hung in the middle of the room usually made of straw and crepe

5.Haftowane serwetki

The embroidered serviettes were made by hand from a cordon or mouline used as a table decoration

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